Friday, December 30, 2011

GPS points

 GPS points are basically your professionalism points. You want to keep these points high. If for some reason they aren't as high as you would like them to be you can attend seminars and that allows you to get GPS points for doing nothing but sitting there! I would recommend you going no matter how high your GPS points are. It always helps to have something to fall back on just in case you are accidentally late for a class. During orientation I was told that the higher the points the better the chance you have at being hired  because it shows that you understand professionalism. Here is a breakdown of what theses points are based on:
• Timeliness 
• Evidencing Respect 
• Preparation 
• Alertness/Attentiveness 
• Compliance with Full Sail’s policies as well as local and federal laws

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Don't Miss Class

You really shouldn't miss class at all, but if you do be sure to email your instructor and try not to miss an entire day! If you do you will end up being 8 hours out and most teachers will fail you for that or anything over that. You may be able to make some of those hours up by staying late or coming early but again that depends on the teacher that you have. Keep in mind when you miss a class or are late to a class you lose GPS points (See blog about GPS points).

Being late..
Try not to be, most teachers don't care if you show up a minute or two late but if you are much later than that you can be counted 2 hours out.

Play it safe and don't be late and don't miss a day of class!

Never Get Behind

I know that you are always told to not get behind at anything, but it is really important that you don't turn around even for a second when you attend this school. The teachers move so fast and don't wait up for you. You have to start your projects the second that you get them and do all your tutorials and such the second that you get them even if they aren't due for weeks. If you get behind you might not catch up and then you will end up failing the class. Nobody wants that.


You will find that most of your teachers don't care what you do on your computer during class, but you shouldn't be spending your class time on Facebook. Save it for home. The classes move so fast and you can get caught up in Facebook for quickly that you could miss a lot. Save Facebook for breaks, your teacher will give you a 10-15 minute break once or twice during the class. It's not worth it. Stay on task. Take notes and save Facebook for later, you probably aren't that popular anyways! =p

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Tuition is very expensive and for those of you that are trying to get student loans this could be of some help. Since there aren't a lot of women that attend this school Full Sail offers a women's scholarship, all you have to do is write an essay in response to their question and if you are picked you can get up to $1,000. It's worth it, free money!


The one thing that will be shoved down your throat from day 1 is NETWORKING! It really pays off to start making friends with everyone, you will never know when you will need something that someone else is good at or vise versa. It helps you to build your portfolio! Also it could possibly make you money, someone that you have worked with can promote you to a client.

Sleep = Never

When you attend this school you will learn that you will never have time to sleep. When I started at this school I thought that it wasn't as bad as everyone said it was, well just wait till about the 3rd month. You will end up with 1a.m. classes and only 5 hours to sleep before your next class. Learn how to take power naps and learn to love the tast of coffee. It will be your best friend.